NOTE: This component can only be added on US and only on static article or static article long form templates.
The Recommendations component is a custom component built to use API and 3rd party platforms to recommend relevant content based on the article that a user views. This component is added to an article page, and cannot be configured to show DIFFERENT articles. If you feel the articles recommended do not relate to your article, please reach out to us at and we will let you know whether this is something we would be interested in changing.
There are no styling changes with the Recommendations component, and the only way to edit whether or not it will show is by going through the Properties for the individual article page.
There are a couple things to note with the options. Originally, the recommendations component was built with just the option to check or uncheck the “Display Recommendations” option. We ran into an issue and had to change how the component was implemented by putting it in the HTML rather than the structure of the template. Having the “Hide Recommendations” option is the only way for child pages to overwrite the parent-inherited properties. Hovering over the information icon shows help information that describes a bit more about what each option does.
Unchecking the Display Recommendations option and then republishing the page will stop recommendations from showing up. To reiterate, the Hide Recommendations option is meant to override the parent value to display recommendations further up in the navigation.
There may be an instance where an author may want to exclude a specific article from being recommended on other pages. In that case, you would just check off the option to “Exclude from Recommendations system”.
Steps to get to the Recommendations component for an article page:
Create a page by using the Cru Article template.
Go to the properties of that newly created article and click on the Recommendations tab to select the options that you want to take effect.
If you want to test how the “Exclude from Recommendations” works, the recommendations API is not immediate so we would recommend waiting 5-10 minutes to see if the changes have taken effect with regards to whether or not the article is in the recommendations system.
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