Cheryl Boyd
Global Vice President, Digital Strategies
As I walked into the concert hall, the enormous image of the feared dictator was ascending behind the red curtains. Left behind were beautiful, gauzy curtains used for opera concerts. It was a profound moment. The stage was set for the gospel to be openly preached from inside the Kremlin for the first time in over 70 years. The reign of the dead dictator was over. The cracks in the wall gave way to a glorious celebration of the risen Jesus.
I was 18 years old. It was my first time to leave my home country. It was my first experience following Jesus to the ends of the earth. Sitting quietly in the dark on a stage behind the curtain, I could hear Dr. Bright telling people in the Palace of Congresses about our beloved Savior. The message was being broadcast via satellite across the U.S.S.R. People were responding in large numbers. My part was small, but it was at that moment that I knew God was calling me to join Him by giving my life “To help fulfill the Great Commission by winning, building and sending in the power of the Holy Spirit and helping the body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship.” I couldn’t imagine anything more compelling.
Thirty years later, I still feel that way. Of course, it hasn’t always been easy. At 18 years old, I could never have imagined what my life would look like. If I could go back and talk to my younger self, I would tell her, “Yes! Follow Him. It is worth it. It won’t always be easy, but it will be worth it. The lives of people you will see changed by His love are worth it. Jesus is worth it!”
I never dreamed that God’s plan for me would take me from Student Led Movements to Leader Strategies and Global Church Movements, and eventually Digital Strategies. In each role, I have had the same mission: to win, build, and send Christ-centered, multiplying disciples who launch spiritual movements. I have worked with different audiences around the world, but the focus is the same.
Each of our strategies plays a unique, focused role in a shared vision to see “movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.” The part of that vision that Global Digital Strategies plays is to “make Jesus and His mission accessible to anyone, anytime, anywhere they want to be a part of it.” “Movements everywhere” requires DS approaches to make everywhere possible.
The calling is the same, the mission is unchanging, and the vision is just as compelling. The world cannot offer anything that will compare to the abundant life and sure hope found in Jesus Christ alone.
The darkness is thick, times are uncertain, and humans are vulnerable to deception, destruction, and death. But God is greater. His Great Commission will be accomplished.
You have an essential part to play in His Great Commission. Let’s look for every opportunity to radically accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission across all audiences, meeting them where they are by using digital approaches, principles, and tools. We have important work to do. Do not lose heart. I want to tell you what I told myself, “Yes! Follow Him. It is worth it. It won’t always be easy, but it will be worth it. The lives of people you will see changed by His love are worth it. Jesus is worth it!”
Together with you,
Jack Makukutsi
Zimbabwe Digital Strategies Leader
I have served as the Zimbabwe Digital Strategies Leader since October 2024, and I’m excited about the digital army the Lord is raising through DS.
Zimbabwe has a very young population and is a growing consumer of digital technology. Even in rural areas, most people spend large parts of their days on the screen. I spent more than twenty years doing open-air evangelism, but over that time, I noticed a dip in the trends as the attendance numbers began to wane little by little.
My thoughts turned to how most of the population spends their time, and I realized there are vast opportunities to engage people on digital media. People often feel more comfortable discussing difficult issues with strangers since they can maintain a sense of anonymity and feel less judged.
I also felt called to take up digital ministry here in Zimbabwe because it's an area of ministry that is truly unexplored. Many ministers of the gospel here shun digital because they associate the Web with darkness and vices. Therefore, Digital Strategies is an exciting missional gap for the ministry.
Scott Adamson
Australia DS Leader
“Do not give yourself to those things that others can and will do, but instead to those things that others cannot and will not do.”
Over 30 years ago, God used this Jim Elliot quote to motivate me to give up my engineering job and join Power to Change’s campus ministry in Australia. I never heard anyone talk about Jesus during my four years of study at the University of Queensland, and I thought, “What a tragedy! We need more laborers!” I wanted to make a difference to others at this critical time in their lives.
And I loved being part of the Great Commission, doing win-build-send on campus with such a strategic group of people. However, about five years ago, I felt like my time with the campus ministry had come to an end. What would be next? I still wanted to be part of the Great Commission and do it with PTC, but where?
At this time, Australia decided to start Digital Strategies to better reach our 27 million digitally literate people. I knew that this was what God wanted for me, so I jumped at the opportunity to lead it.
We have a rich Christian history in this country. However, most people are post-Christian — only 15% attend church at least monthly. Furthermore, 60% of Aussies not only don’t go to church but don’t even have a Christian friend who might tell them about Jesus. So how are they going to hear about him?
It’s probably going to be online. 93% of Aussies are on the internet daily. They go there to access information, communicate with others, and find direction. They may not go online specifically searching for Jesus, but they have other struggles. And they will probably go online to get advice about these issues, especially in the area of mental health. So, we constructed an online win-build-send discipleship pathway with components of web app and TheFour Australia on YouTube, Instagram, and Discord. We are still far from seeing disciple-making become a reality, but it is our goal and prayer in 2025.
Another key role of Digital Strategies is to partner with our Campus, Church Movements, Youth, and other PTC strategies to help them fulfill their goals. Most of our young people live “hybrid” lives — their online and offline worlds weave seamlessly together. So, we seek to assist in other arenas.
I don’t love technology — I’m not techy — but I see how God can use it to make disciples of Jesus in my country and worldwide. I’m so glad to be part of a great team in Australia and the GDS network across the globe.
Carril Thomas
Panama Digital Strategies Leader
When I look at Jesus's life, He met people where they were — at wells, in marketplaces, and on the streets. In this digital age, people search for purpose, hope, and connection online. What an incredible opportunity we have to meet them there! I feel deeply called to Digital Strategies because it allows us to reach hearts where they are, and with over 5 billion people online spending an average of 7 hours per day on devices, the potential for impact is beyond measure.
Our vision is bold and inspiring: to make Jesus known and accessible to all. In a world where digital presence shapes lives, we must be intentional about bringing the gospel into these spaces. Every scroll, every search, every moment spent online is an opportunity for someone to encounter the love of Christ.
Through social media, websites, apps, and online communities, we can connect with those who may never enter a church but are open to discovering faith in a digital environment. These tools allow us to build relationships, disciple believers, and empower them to share their faith courageously—right where they are.
Panama is known for the Panama Canal, a gateway that connects the world. Similarly, the digital space is a gateway for the gospel, reaching those who are constantly on the move. In recent years, more and more people have passed through Panama, seeking new homes in other parts of the world. Many do not have access to weekly discipleship meetings because they may be in a different country weekly or even daily. But through digital strategies, we can provide them with online communities where they can stay connected, find encouragement, and continue growing in their faith—no matter where life takes them.
My heart beats with excitement at digital ministry's possibilities in fulfilling the Great Commission. Through digital tools, we can win people to Christ, build them in their faith, and send them out as disciple-makers who create a ripple effect of transformation. The beauty of digital ministry is that it knows no borders—it breaks barriers and reaches into lives in ways we could never have imagined.
We are witnessing lives changed daily—stories of individuals who encountered Jesus in a social media post, a YouTube video, or an online conversation. People who felt lost have found purpose, those struggling with loneliness have found a loving community, and seekers have found the Savior they never knew they needed. This is the power of digital ministry. It is not just a tool but a movement of God transforming the world. And I am honored to be a part of it.
The mission field is no longer confined to one place—it is everywhere. It is in our hands, on our screens, and accessible 24/7. As we embrace digital ministry, we ensure that no one is beyond the reach of God’s love and truth. This is why I am passionately committed to DS, and why I believe digital is a powerful force in fulfilling The Great Commission. Together, we are changing lives—one click, one message, one heart at a time.
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