That means they have access to the gospel all day, every day—usually in a familiar language. Digital strategies allow the gospel to permeate the hardest places to reach, including locations where it is not possible to physically send missionaries.
Together with our partners, Cru has the opportunity, the technology and a clear plan to help millions of people all over the world take their next step of faith with Jesus Christ with someone they trust.
We believe God is fulfilling this 2,600-year-old prophecy in our times through digital media: “Write the vision, make it plain on tablets, so that the one who reads it may run… The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the seas.” — Habakkuk 2:2,14
WE ENGAGE people who are unaware or curious about God in their journey toward Jesus. We offer them personalized online experiences toward becoming a multiplying disciple
WE EMPOWER like-minded followers of Jesus with a suite of trusted tools and strategies that help them leverage digital media for ministry
WE LEAD and are a catalyst for the body of Christ by using digital tools to help plant ministries, churches, groups and networks where none currently exist
WE COLLABORATE with partners and the body of Christ to inspire and equip 10 million multiplying disciples by 2020
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